Gap Insurance
June 9, 2021
Kinds of Car Insurance
June 9, 2021

What exactly is personal injury protection (PIP) insurance?

In the absence of fault the protection of an insured person and his/her passengers is compensated for the costs of personal injury. Your car insurance policy consists of many types of automobile insurance that protect you in various scenarios when you would otherwise be financially accountable. Some of these coverages are mandated by law, while others may be optional depending on where you live and whether you own or lease your vehicle. Personal injury protection, or PIP, is a sort of automobile insurance that reimburses you and your passengers for expenditures incurred as a result of an automobile accident, regardless of who was at fault. PIP coverage, often known as “no-fault auto insurance” and “first party benefits coverage,” can pay for medical expenses, missed income, custodial services such as child care, and even burial expenses. Personal injury protection, on the other hand, may be less necessary than other forms of auto insurance due to coverage overlap with your health or disability insurance. You may be able to save money on your auto insurance premiums by lowering your PIP coverage to the legal minimum in your state, as long as you still have the coverage you require. Continue reading to find out more about personal injury protection insurance:

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What is PIP insurance supposed to cover?

If no fault can be proved, personal injury protection insurance covers for expenditures incurred when you, someone insured by your policy, or your passengers are injured in an automobile accident. Property damage will not be compensated by PIP because the cost must be related to the injury.

Your PIP coverage, like all types of motor insurance, is limited by a limit of liability, which is the maximum commitment the insurance company has to you. Following a claim, once the carrier has paid up to its limit of liability, you will be responsible for any extra costs. You can pay greater premiums to increase your liability limit under this or any other type of protection. The quantity of PIP coverage you obtain and the money you pay for it will be reflected on your declarations page.
It should be noted that if one person is at fault, his or her liability coverage will apply to the cost of the other party rather than the latter's PIP coverage. Furthermore, your personal injury protection may be limited by a deductible, which is the amount you must pay out of pocket for a specific claim before the insurer's responsibility kicks in. Furthermore, while each of these protections may have limited coverage, you can always purchase more coverage for each provision. Many insurers provide not just basic personal injury protection coverage, but also supplementary personal injury protection coverage at a higher price, which enhances the payments offered for a particular expense and includes new features that may not be covered in the basic no-fault insurance conditions. can assist you in locating a car insurer that provides adequate coverage in all aspects of automobile insurance, including personal injury protection if applicable, for a low-cost policy.

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Medical Bills

Except for expenses covered by health insurance, no-fault insurance covers your medical expenditures as well as those of your passengers and other people covered by your policy. Your coverage applies even if you are not driving at the time of the injury, such as if you are walking and are hit by a car. Your PIP coverage may potentially cover the cost of your health insurance deductible.

Medical expenses are typically characterised as “reasonable” or “necessary,” and may include:
Nursing, emergency treatment, X-rays, medications, dental care, and prosthetic devices are all available.
Therapy, rehabilitation, and corrective care
Psychological and psychiatric care.
Services in optometry.
Speech and audiological services are available.
Nonmedical care based on your religious views.

In some states, you may only be offered this component of no-fault insurance. In these states, your auto insurance policy will not necessarily include PIP coverage, but it will have medical payments coverage, sometimes known as MedPay. . MedPay and PIP coverage may also be available, which shall take effect first in the case of a claim.

Lost Wages

Some forms of PIP insurance can restore your salary if you cannot work in a car accident due to an injury. But this component of PIP insurance is not provided by every insurer, and may be an additional cost to your regular car insurance policy. Although each insurance has different conditions, your policy may limit the amount you can claim for missed wages. Insurers often cut the amount you owe by 20%, plus any applicable deductible. Depending on state law, whatever social benefits you receive, such as workers' compensation or Social Security disability insurance, may further limit your earnings reimbursement. If you require more comprehensive coverage for missed income, a long-term disability insurance policy may pay higher benefits and endure for a much longer length of time than your auto insurance policy's lost earnings clause.

The Death Benefit

Personal injury protection coverage may even pay a small sum to the survivors of someone killed in a no-fault car accident, known as a death benefit. The amount is typically limited to a monetary amount or the balance of any unused PIP payments.

If you already have life insurance, the death benefit provided by PIP coverage may appear insignificant in contrast. Because life insurance covers you if you die in a car accident, the PIP clause for death benefits isn't worth it if you can afford a term life insurance policy.

Funeral Expenses

Your motor insurance's PIP coverage, like the death benefit clause, may provide benefits that compensate you for funeral expenditures. Similarly, the terms of your policy will limit your funeral expenses coverage.

Because funerals can be costly, the funeral expenses portion of your PIP coverage may not provide you with the coverage you want for complete payment. A low-cost term life insurance coverage may be a preferable option in this case.

Essential services

When your injury renders you unable to perform critical services, the costs of hiring someone to do such activities may be reimbursable under your PIP coverage.

Among the essential services are:
Child-care services
Mowing the lawn
Cleaning the house
Snow removal
Doing the laundry

Who is covered by PIP insurance?

The following people are covered under no-fault insurance:

You, the individual covered by the policy, are driving or being hit by another vehicle.
Any of your immediate family members while driving or being hit by another vehicle.
Any other person who is in your insured vehicle.

What isn't PIP insurance supposed to cover?

There are several exclusions to personal injury protection coverage. If you sustain an injury in an accident that was caused by one of these exclusions, you will be ineligible for reimbursement under your PIP conditions.

The following are examples of common exclusions:
The motorist purposefully caused the accident
The motorist was breaking the law, including escaping the police.
The driver was operating the vehicle for a fee, such as for Uber or as a taxi.
The injured individual was hit by or was in the passenger seat of an automobile owned by you or a member of your immediate family that was not insured.
The harm was caused by dangerous human activity, such as war, insurgency, rebellion, or a nuclear explosion.

Furthermore, personal injury protection does not cover property damage. If another driver caused the property damage, his or her property damage liability coverage will repay you. If you caused the damage, or if it was caused by a factor beyond your control (other than a driver), your collision or comprehensive insurance will repay you.

Which states require personal injury protection (PIP) insurance?

In the event of a car accident, there are two kinds of States that impose liability. Each driver's insurance in an unsuccessful state covers its own damage and the cost of a car crash, regardless of who caused it to happen. In an at-fault state, often known as a tort state, the party who is at fault is responsible for paying, whether through vehicle insurance or out of pocket.

Personal injury protection insurance is necessary in no-fault states. In tort states, PIP insurance may not be available at all; It can be compulsory to supplement the liability insurance so that you can sue others while your car insurance provider is also reimbursing you for injury expenses; or it may be fully voluntary. In those states where PIP coverage is not available, you may still be able to obtain MedPay coverage. Always check with your automobile insurance carrier to ensure you have the coverage you require.

No-Faults State
New Jersey
New York
North Dakota
Puerto Rico

Personal injury protection is essential in at-fault states.

Personal injury protection is available but not mandated in at-fault states.

New Hampshire (car insurance in general is not mandatory in New Hampshire, but fault is assigned when an accident occurs)
South Dakota
The state of Virginia (car insurance is optional in Virginia if you pay an uninsured motorist fee, but fault will still be assigned in an accident)

Washington DC

Auto insurance, which can be in default or non-fault, must be provided to drivers within Columbia District; personal injury protection is optional. If you are injured in an accident and have PIP coverage, you can choose whether to accept PIP compensation or submit a claim through the other party's responsibility coverage. Even if you accept PIP benefits, you may be able to submit a claim under the other party's liability coverage and get additional compensation for your medical and rehabilitation expenditures if your injuries are extremely serious. However, if the injured party does not have PIP, he or she must submit a claim against the other party's liability coverage.