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Best Medicare Supplement Plans

Another year has come and gone… and this year you, or your loved one, has or is going to become newly eligible for Medicare.
Maybe you’re not new to Medicare and you’re already enrolled, but wasn’t aware of Medicare Supplement plans.
Then again, you could’ve been aware of these supplemental insurance policies but didn’t feel you needed the extra coverage.
The majority of the time, Medicare beneficiaries are unaware of the out of pocket costs their left to pay after Medicare paid their portion. Many seniors are getting stuck with large medical bills they weren’t prepared for after an unexpected doctor or hospital visit.
You can protect your finances and get the health care coverage you need by being proactive and educating yourself on all your Medicare health insurance coverage options.
Let’s review the best Medicare supplement plans for 2020.


Best Medicare Supplement Plans for 2020

First, you should know that all Medicare Supplement insurance plans, or Medigap insurance coverage plans, are standardized by the government. What does this mean?

In simple terms, it means it does not matter what carrier or provider you choose to buy the plan from, the benefits will be the same regardless.
The only states that have their own regulations on their Medigap plans are Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Second, you should know there are 10 Medigap insurance plans, starting with letter A and ending with letter N.
Plan A has the core policy benefits that are included in all letter plans, as you go down the list of letter plans you’ll see additional benefits that are unique to those plans.